Source file : gid-decoding_qoi.adb
with GID.Buffering;
package body GID.Decoding_QOI is
-- Load --
procedure Load (image : in out Image_descriptor) is
procedure Row_start (y : Natural) is
Set_X_Y (0, Integer (image.height) - 1 - y);
end Row_start;
type Pixel is record
r, g, b, a : U8;
end record;
run : U8 := 0; -- Run-Length encoding
index : array (U8'(0) .. 63) of Pixel := -- Index of recent pixels
(others => (0, 0, 0, 0)); -- (moving palette)
px : Pixel := (0, 0, 0, 255); -- Current pixel
procedure Output_Pixel is
pragma Inline (Output_Pixel);
function Times_257 (x : Primary_color_range) return Primary_color_range is
pragma Inline (Times_257);
return 16 * (16 * x) + x; -- this is 257 * x, equal to 16#0101# * x
-- Numbers 8-bit -> no OA warning at instantiation.
-- Returns x if type Primary_color_range is mod 2**8.
end Times_257;
case Primary_color_range'Modulus is
when 256 =>
Put_Pixel (
Primary_color_range (px.r),
Primary_color_range (px.g),
Primary_color_range (px.b),
Primary_color_range (px.a)
when 65_536 =>
Put_Pixel (
Times_257 (Primary_color_range (px.r)),
Times_257 (Primary_color_range (px.g)),
Times_257 (Primary_color_range (px.b)),
Times_257 (Primary_color_range (px.a))
-- Times_257 makes max intensity FF go to FFFF
when others =>
raise invalid_primary_color_range with "Color range not supported";
end case;
end Output_Pixel;
QOI_OP_INDEX : constant := 2#00_000000#;
QOI_OP_DIFF : constant := 2#01_000000#;
QOI_OP_LUMA : constant := 2#10_000000#;
QOI_OP_RUN : constant := 2#11_000000#;
QOI_OP_RGB : constant := 2#11_111110#;
QOI_OP_RGBA : constant := 2#11_111111#;
QOI_MASK_1 : constant := 2#00_111111#;
QOI_MASK_2 : constant := 2#11_000000#;
function QOI_COLOR_HASH (C : Pixel) return U8 is
pragma Inline (QOI_COLOR_HASH);
return C.r * 3 + C.g * 5 + C.b * 7 + C.a * 11;
b1, b2, vg : U8;
eos_good : Boolean;
use GID.Buffering;
for y in 0 .. Integer (image.height) - 1 loop
Row_start (y);
for x in 0 .. Integer (image.width) - 1 loop
if run > 0 then
run := run - 1;
Get_Byte (image.buffer, b1);
case b1 and QOI_MASK_2 is
when QOI_OP_INDEX =>
px := index (b1);
when QOI_OP_DIFF =>
px.r := px.r + (Shift_Right (b1, 4) and 3) - 2;
px.g := px.g + (Shift_Right (b1, 2) and 3) - 2;
px.b := px.b + (b1 and 3) - 2;
when QOI_OP_LUMA =>
Get_Byte (image.buffer, b2);
vg := (b1 and QOI_MASK_1) - 32;
px.r := px.r + vg - 8 + (Shift_Right (b2, 4) and 16#0f#);
px.g := px.g + vg;
px.b := px.b + vg - 8 + (b2 and 16#0f#);
when QOI_OP_RUN =>
case b1 is
when QOI_OP_RGB =>
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.r);
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.g);
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.b);
when QOI_OP_RGBA =>
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.r);
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.g);
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.b);
Get_Byte (image.buffer, px.a);
when others =>
run := b1 and QOI_MASK_1;
-- One extra run iteration is done just here by not changing px.
end case;
when others => null;
end case;
index (QOI_COLOR_HASH (px) and QOI_MASK_1) := px;
end if;
end loop;
Feedback (((y + 1) * 100) / Integer (image.height));
end loop;
-- Check end of stream signature:
eos_good := True;
for count in 1 .. 7 loop
Get_Byte (image.buffer, b1);
eos_good := eos_good and b1 = 0;
end loop;
Get_Byte (image.buffer, b1);
eos_good := eos_good and b1 = 1;
if not eos_good then
raise error_in_image_data with "QOI format: unexpected end of stream";
end if;
end Load;
end GID.Decoding_QOI;
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