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Source file : gid-decoding_png-huffman.adb

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

package body GID.Decoding_PNG.Huffman is

  procedure Build (t : out Huff_tree; descr : in Huff_descriptor) is
    curr, alloc : Natural;
    code, mask : Unsigned_32;
    alloc := root;
    for i in descr'Range loop
      if descr (i).length > 0 then
        curr := root;
        code := Unsigned_32 (descr (i).code);
        mask := Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), descr (i).length - 1);
        for j in 0 .. descr (i).length - 1 loop
          if (code and mask) /= 0 then
            if t.node (curr).one = nil then
              alloc := alloc + 1;
              t.node (curr).one := alloc;
            end if;
            curr := t.node (curr).one;
            if t.node (curr).zero = nil then
              alloc := alloc + 1;
              t.node (curr).zero := alloc;
            end if;
            curr := t.node (curr).zero;
          end if;
          mask := Shift_Right (mask, 1);
        end loop;
        t.node (curr).n := i;
      end if;
    end loop;
    t.last := alloc;
  end Build;

  --  Free huffman tables starting with table where t points to

  procedure HufT_free (tl : in out p_Table_list) is

    procedure  Dispose is new
      Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (HufT_table, p_HufT_table);
    procedure  Dispose is new
      Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Table_list, p_Table_list);

    current : p_Table_list;
    tcount : Natural := 0; -- just a stat. Idea: replace table_list with an array
    tot_length : Natural := 0;

    if full_trace then
      Ada.Text_IO.Put ("[HufT_Free... ");
    end if;
    while tl /= null loop
      if full_trace then
        tcount := tcount + 1;
        tot_length := tot_length + tl.table'Length;
      end if;
      Dispose (tl.table); -- destroy the Huffman table
      current := tl;
      tl     :=;
      Dispose (current);  -- destroy the current node
    end loop;
    if full_trace then
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (
        Integer'Image (tcount) & " tables, of" &
        Integer'Image (tot_length) & " tot. length]"
    end if;
  end HufT_free;

  --  Build huffman table from code lengths given by array b

  procedure HufT_build (b    : Length_array;
                         s    : Integer;
                         d, e : Length_array;
                         tl   :    out p_Table_list;
                         m    : in out Integer;
              huft_incomplete :    out Boolean)
    b_max  : constant := 16;
    b_maxp1 : constant := b_max + 1;

    --  bit length count table
    count : array (0 .. b_maxp1) of Integer := (others => 0);

    f   : Integer;                    -- i repeats in table every f entries
    g   : Integer;                    -- max. code length
    i,                                -- counter, current code
      j : Integer;                    -- counter
    kcc : Integer;                    -- number of bits in current code

    c_idx, v_idx : Natural;            -- array indices

    current_table_ptr : p_HufT_table := null;
    current_node_ptr  : p_Table_list := null; -- curr. node for the curr. table
    new_node_ptr      : p_Table_list;        -- new node for the new table

    new_entry : HufT;                  -- table entry for structure assignment

    u : array (0 .. b_max) of p_HufT_table;   -- table stack

    n_max : constant := 288;
    --  values in order of bit length
    v : array (0 .. n_max) of Integer := (others => 0);
    el_v, el_v_m_s : Integer;

    w : Natural := 0;                        -- bits before this table

    offset, code_stack : array (0 .. b_maxp1) of Integer;

    table_level : Integer := -1;
    bits : array (Integer'(-1) .. b_maxp1) of Integer;
    --  ^bits(table_level) = # bits in table of level table_level

    y  : Integer;                     -- number of dummy codes added
    z  : Natural := 0;                 -- number of entries in current table
    el : Integer;                     -- length of eob code=code 256

    no_copy_length_array : constant Boolean := d'Length = 0 or e'Length = 0;

    if full_trace then
      Ada.Text_IO.Put ("[HufT_Build...");
    end if;
    tl := null;

    if b'Length > 256 then -- set length of EOB code, if any
      el := Natural (b (256));
      el := b_max;
    end if;

    --  Generate counts for each bit length

    for k in b'Range loop
      if b (k) > b_max then
        --  m := 0; -- GNAT 2005 doesn't like it (warning).
        raise huft_error;
      end if;
      count (Natural (b (k))) := count (Natural (b (k))) + 1;
    end loop;

    if count (0) = b'Length then
      m := 0;
      huft_incomplete := False; -- spotted by Tucker Taft, 19-Aug-2004
      return; -- complete
    end if;

    --  Find minimum and maximum length, bound m by those

    j := 1;
    while j <= b_max and then count (j) = 0 loop
      j := j + 1;
    end loop;
    kcc := j;
    if m < j then
      m := j;
    end if;
    i := b_max;
    while i > 0 and then count (i) = 0 loop
      i := i - 1;
    end loop;
    g := i;
    if m > i then
      m := i;
    end if;

    --  Adjust last length count to fill out codes, if needed

    y := Integer (Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), j)); -- y:= 2 ** j;
    while j < i loop
      y := y - count (j);
      if y < 0 then
        raise huft_error;
      end if;
      y := y * 2;
      j := j + 1;
    end loop;

    y := y - count (i);
    if y < 0 then
      raise huft_error;
    end if;
    count (i) := count (i) + y;

    --  Generate starting offsets into the value table for each length

    offset (1) := 0;
    j := 0;
    for idx in 2 .. i loop
      j := j + count (idx - 1);
      offset (idx) := j;
    end loop;

    --  Make table of values in order of bit length

    for idx in b'Range loop
      j := Natural (b (idx));
      if j /= 0 then
        v (offset (j)) := idx - b'First;
        offset (j) := offset (j) + 1;
      end if;
    end loop;

    --  Generate huffman codes and for each, make the table entries

    code_stack (0) := 0;
    i := 0;
    v_idx := v'First;
    bits (-1) := 0;

    --  go through the bit lengths (kcc already is bits in shortest code)
    for k in kcc .. g loop

      for am1 in reverse 0 .. count (k) - 1 loop -- a counts codes of length k

        --  here i is the huffman code of length k bits for value v(v_idx)
        while k > w + bits (table_level) loop

          w := w + bits (table_level);    -- Length of tables to this position
          table_level := table_level + 1;
          z := g - w;                    -- Compute min size table <= m bits
          if z > m then
            z := m;
          end if;
          j := k - w;
          f := Integer (Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), j)); -- f:= 2 ** j;
          if f > am1 + 2 then   -- Try a k-w bit table
            f := f - (am1 + 2);
            c_idx := k;
            loop              -- Try smaller tables up to z bits
              j := j + 1;
              exit when j >= z;
              f := f * 2;
              c_idx := c_idx + 1;
              exit when f - count (c_idx) <= 0;
              f := f - count (c_idx);
            end loop;
          end if;

          if w + j > el and then  w < el  then
            j := el - w;       -- Make EOB code end at table
          end if;
          if w = 0 then
            j := m;  -- Fix: main table always m bits!
          end if;
          z := Integer (Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), j)); -- z:= 2 ** j;
          bits (table_level) := j;

          --  Allocate and link new table

            current_table_ptr := new HufT_table (0 .. z);
            new_node_ptr      := new Table_list'(current_table_ptr, null);
            when Storage_Error =>
              raise huft_out_of_memory;

          if current_node_ptr = null then -- first table
            tl := new_node_ptr;
   := new_node_ptr;   -- not my first...
          end if;

          current_node_ptr := new_node_ptr; -- always non-Null from there

          u (table_level) := current_table_ptr;

          --  Connect to last table, if there is one

          if table_level > 0 then
            code_stack (table_level) := i;
            new_entry.bits          := bits (table_level - 1);
            new_entry.extra_bits    := 16 + j;
            new_entry.next_table    := current_table_ptr;

            j :=  Integer (
              Shift_Right (Unsigned_32 (i) and
                (Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), w) - 1),
                w - bits (table_level - 1))

            --  Test against bad input!

            if j > u (table_level - 1)'Last then
              raise huft_error;
            end if;
            u (table_level - 1) (j) := new_entry;
          end if;

        end loop;

        --  Set up table entry in new_entry

        new_entry.bits      := k - w;
        new_entry.next_table := null;   -- Unused

        if v_idx >= b'Length then
          new_entry.extra_bits := invalid;
          el_v := v (v_idx);
          el_v_m_s := el_v - s;
          if el_v_m_s < 0 then -- Simple code, raw value
            if el_v < 256 then
              new_entry.extra_bits := 16;
              new_entry.extra_bits := 15;
            end if;
            new_entry.n := el_v;
          else                    -- Non-simple -> lookup in lists
            if no_copy_length_array then
              raise huft_error;
            end if;
            new_entry.extra_bits := Natural (e (el_v_m_s));
            new_entry.n          := Natural (d (el_v_m_s));
          end if;
          v_idx := v_idx + 1;
        end if;

        --  fill code-like entries with new_entry
        f := Integer (Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), k - w));
        --  i.e. f := 2 ** (k-w);
        j := Integer (Shift_Right (Unsigned_32 (i), w));
        while j < z loop
          current_table_ptr (j) := new_entry;
          j := j + f;
        end loop;

        --  backwards increment the k-bit code i
        j := Integer (Shift_Left (Unsigned_32'(1), k - 1));
        --  i.e.: j:= 2 ** (k-1)
        while (Unsigned_32 (i) and Unsigned_32 (j)) /= 0 loop
          i := Integer (Unsigned_32 (i) xor Unsigned_32 (j));
          j :=  j / 2;
        end loop;
        i := Integer (Unsigned_32 (i) xor Unsigned_32 (j));

        --  backup over finished tables
          Integer (Unsigned_32 (i) and (Shift_Left (1, w) - 1)) /=
          code_stack (table_level)
          table_level := table_level - 1;
          w := w - bits (table_level); -- Size of previous table!
        end loop;

      end loop;  -- am1
    end loop;  -- k

    if full_trace then
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("finished]");
    end if;

    huft_incomplete := y /= 0 and g /= 1;

    when others =>
      HufT_free (tl);
  end HufT_build;

end GID.Decoding_PNG.Huffman;

Ada PDF Writer: Ada package for writing PDF files (.pdf). Ada programming.
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